Wednesday, March 21, 2012

dota 6.74b official map Download official

dota 6.74b map
DotA 6.74b Map Download & Changelogs. The developer IceFrog has unleashed another map for v6.74 series. Being a secondary release, it has brought major fixes with Aghanim Scepter, Fog of War bug in SP mode and other miscellaneous fixes. Download the latest Dota 6.74b map below and read it's patch notes.

DotA 6.74 Changelogs (patch notes):
  • Fixed a rare bug that could cause Panda Brewmaster to not respawn after death
  • Fixed Ogre Magi keeping the Aghanims bonus after selling it
  • Fixed Aghanim's secondary Fireblast from being unable to target flying units
  • Fixed Flamebreak not interrupting channeling
  • Fxed Flamebreak affecting Magic Immune units
  • Fixed Fog of War in -sp mode
  • Fixed a rare chance for EMP to cause a suicide

DotA 6.74b Map Download & Changelogs:
warcraft 3 tft map fileDownload the zip file from the link above make sure you extract it in 'Warcraft III\Maps\Download\' sub-directory.