Saturday, March 05, 2011

Feel Younger Eat Anti Aging Foods

 There is no reversal of the process of aging. Perhaps the only consolation is that you are not alone we all age together. The best that can be accomplished at the moment is to feel younger and hopefully look younger as well. Exercise is great and should be an essential part of a program but without anti aging foods the plan is not complete.

Certain realities cannot be avoided.

The human body wears down daily it is the down side of living. Individually we can eat things that will either slow it down or speed up the trip to old age. Be at peace about the eventuality and start to eat correctly.

Science made a little easier to understand.

The process of ageing is ongoing. It does not stop so we race to keep ahead of the eventuality but the competition will always be close. Cells are the building block that holds the body together and as they are destroyed or weakened we are also. Antioxidant rich anti aging foods fight oxidation a process that once begun can destroy or injure cells in the body.

The time has come to consider what to eat.

Fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods contain ingredients to combat the aging process caused by oxidation. Berries are high on the list as well as green vegetables. In addition they affect weight, skin condition and other factors associated with appearance.

Sunflower seeds, walnuts, pecans and other varieties provide for a convenient snack or to accompany a lunch or dinner. They have high protein value essential to maintenance of the immune system.

Green tea provides many additional values and is a source of Vitamin E another antioxidant that combats aging.

Water and more water to flush the body and allow for waste to leave the system. Regardless that a recommended amount may be discouraging like anything else practice makes perfect.

Eating to avoid aging will only be successful if you avoid those items that accelerate aging. Avoid fats, sugars and alcohol and includes lots of healthy anti aging goods in your diet.

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